2 types of papers. Any differences? Read on to find out ! »
Resolved site issue – Difficulty contacting us?
Have you experienced any difficulty in contacting us from the website or not received any reply to an enquiry?
We have become aware of an intermittent issue occurring with the contact form on our Contact Us page. This has meant that some of the enquiries for us using the Contact Us form have not been delivered and have been lost in cyberspace whilst others have arrived with us some considerable time after they were sent.
Our apologies to you if you have been affected by this issue.
Unfortunately, due to the intermittent nature of the issue, we have no way of knowing who, or how many, enquiries have been affected.
If you have not received a reply or an answer to an enquiry when using our Contact Us page, we ask that you resubmit you enquiry and it will receive a priority response.
We have established the cause of the intermittent issue and have rectified this situation. Additionally we have put in place a safeguard to assist in the delivery of all messages.
We look forward to you messaging us in the future from the Contact Us page and apologise if you have been affected by the intermittent issue.
Hand Printed Photos.
This has been a Hand Printed Photos production